Embodiment Project with Nicole Klaymoon

Sunday March 24th 2013
Sliding Scale Show/ For more info go to www.embodimentproject.org

Nicole Klaymoon’s Embodiment Project presents House of Matter,  an urban dance theater that inquires into the concept of home.

When we get homesick what exactly is it that we long for? Is home a smell, a language, a neighborhood, a person, a structure where our memories are stored?  What does it mean to let someone inside of this space? Performers reveal personal narratives through innovative theatrical street dance, poetic soliloquies, and live song to courageously dismantle their walls and challenge their concepts of home.

House of Matter features LA based multidisciplinary artist, d. Sabela Grimes, and all original music by acclaimed vocalist, Valerie Troutt and her band Mooncandy.

“Even if you watch dance a lot, once in a while it happens that somebody pops up that you have never seen — and yet what they show is already excellent. Such was the case with Nicole Klaymoon’s Embodiment and her joyously rocking House Matter. Working with very good modern and hip-hop dancers, plus jazz singer Valerie Troutt and her vocal ensemble, the women created an evening-long piece about how a house can become a home.” – Dance critic Rita Felciano of the SF Bay Guardian
