Duxbury Reef Bioblitz

Duxbury Reef Bioblitz: Saturday June 11th, 9 am – 1 pm
In support of the Snapshot Cal Coast initiative, an effort to take a “snapshot” of biodiversity along the entire California Coast during June 4-12, join the California Academy of Sciences for a grassroots, smartphone-powered bioblitz to catalogue every living species we can find at the Duxbury Reef tide pools on Saturday, June 11th!

A bioblitz is an intensive one-day study of biodiversity in a specific location. We’ll look for starfish, crabs, octopus, sea slugs, shorebirds, fish, barnacles, anything!

People of all ages and skill levels are welcome! You bring your curiosity, a smart phone with the iNaturalist app downloaded (or digital camera), and tons of enthusiasm. The Cal Academy will rally some scientists and folks who know the area. Together we’ll make some science! You don’t need to be an expert on tidepool creatures, you just need to observe carefully and take good enough photos with iNaturalist so someone else can identify what you found!
The fun happens during the low tide on Saturday, June 11, starting at 9 am. We’ll explore the reef and document everything we can find for a few hours, then we’ll all come back together at the Bolinas Community Center to upload our observations, see what everyone else found, and get help with IDs.

Find out more information and register for the bioblitz here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/duxbury-reef-bioblitz
