Community Center Bathrooms

Dear community,


The Bolinas Community Center bathrooms have been a resource for all members of our community, some much more than others, for decades. Recently, due to the severe water shortage and influx of people using it, the Community Center made a decision to close them to the public. This had a significant impact on our community members who don’t have access to bathrooms and hot water. It also created space for conversation and reflection amongst the BCC board of how difficult and costly it has been for our staff to maintain them.


They are often taken for granted and disrespected. The cost of upkeep and repairs is significant. With the increased use due to increased tourism in town, it has become a larger burden on the small team here. 


As the heart of the community, with a mission to provide human services, we recognize the importance of clean public bathrooms for the well being of all. We want to keep these bathrooms open and available to our community. This month, the BCC board moved to open them back up again, on a trial basis, Monday-Fridays and will be revisiting the issue at our February board meeting. 


I am writing this note to to bring this to light, and ask for support in keeping this space clean and cared for so that it can continue to be a community resource. Donations for upkeep and words of gratitude to the BCC staff are welcomed as well as the regular pitching in to keep it decent for one another. 


Thanks for reading,

Chloe McCollum on behalf of the BCC board
