October 18th Film Screening – The Money Tree 7pm door $5

The Moneytree is a film about one of life’s most basic choices – do you

work for a bank for thirty years to get the money you want, or do you just

rob the bank? David, the protagonist in this action comedy, is a clandestine

cultivator of the notorious Weed De Mal; in other words he grows pot for a

living. His best friend tells him he’s stupid; “ it’s a small-time suckers”.

His girlfriend thinks he’s crazy, but David likes what he’s doing and can’t

see the harm in it; “did you ever seen anyone lying in the gutter with a joint

in his hand?” Come to think of it, I haven’t, still things start to come apart

when a good buddy is busted in LAX, while another meets something far

more nasty than the police. David knows he should pull out, but some how

this seems “dishonorable”; and he goes on with the play hoping to pull it

off in the last few frames. We’re all heroes in our own movie.

“The Moneytree” offers a surprising look at the other side of the headlines.


Worthy of note; all the dialogue in this film was improvised by the actors

and the director. Risky business at best, but here it gives the language a

certain immediacy and some of the excitement of jazz.



