Category: Special Events

Posada / Christmas Party

Friday December 22nd 2017, 6 pm – 10 pm Eat, Drink and Be Merry… whether you have been naughty or nice… don’t think twice! Join us at the Community Center, there will be fun, games and traditional Mexican party favors! Potluck! For more info please call Marina at (415) 261-8175.

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World Crafts Faire

Saturday December 16th and Sunday December 17th 2017, 10am-6pm World Crafts Faire World Café Featuring Mexican Traditional Cooking by Chef Mirta Guzman Any questions or interest in participating, please, contact flower (831-747-4540)

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BCLT Gingerbread Houses, Meeting & Spaghetti Dinner

Sunday December 1st, 3:30pm – 7:30pm 2017 The Bolinas Community Land Trust Cordially Invites You to Gingerbread House Making – Followed by Spaghetti Dinner and Caroling with Molly Maguire House Making from 3:30pm-5:30pm Dinner and Caroling from 5:00pm-7:30pm Dinner and drink tickets to be sold at the door ($6 per plate) Please R.S.V.P. for house kits by December 1 ($25...

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Bolinas Transformational Film Fest / Rescheduled

Sunday November 12th 2017 Noon-10pm, Suggested Donation $23 donation for all 5 films or $5-$7 per film HopeDance is under the umbrella of Central Coast Bioneers / Ecologistics. The Sponsor’s Federal Tax ID is 27-2116150. found at From noon till 10pm… 5 films and conversations NEURONS TO NIRVANA: Understanding Psychedelic Medicines (68min) 12 Noon to 1:30pm 1:30-2pm Break WHERE...

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Friday November 10th 2017, 7pm HopeDance FiLMs presents “CRAZYWISE” Suggested Donation: $10/ No one will be refused… A feature documentary challenging the current mental health system in crisis. A 20-year fascination with shamanism leads photographer and filmmaker Phil Borges to question how Western cultures define and treat severe mental disorders. Crazy…or wise? The traditional wisdom of indigenous cultures often contradicts modern...

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Election Day

Tuesday November 7th, 7am-8pm Come vote, vote, vote!! All classes are cancelled, but yes there is always Pizza in the kitchen!

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Bolinas Wild Fire Planning Meeting

Friday November 3rd 2017, 7pm Join the Bolinas Fire Department and Fire Safe Marin for light refreshments and important discussion about one of the major threats to our town: Wildfire. Guest speakers will include: Marin County Fire Department Battalion Chiefs Chris Martenelli and Christie Neill, Fire sAFETYCoordinator Todd Lando, BCPUD Manager Jennifer Blackman and Firefighter Clint St. Martin. Come hear...

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