The Bolinas Community Coloring Book in COLOR: A fundraiser for the Bolinas Community Center October 8th 4pm-6pm

  The Bolinas Community Coloring Book in COLOR: A fundraiser for the Bolinas Community CenterArt and Coloring Book SaleSnacksVideo ScreeningSunday 0ctober 8th4-6pm at the Bolinas Community CenterFeel free to dress up!This is an opportunity to own a one of a kind artwork. These works use the images created by artists as printed in the original coloring book, and are colored...

READ MORE The Bolinas Community Coloring Book in COLOR: A fundraiser for the Bolinas Community Center October 8th 4pm-6pm

Labor Day Thank you

Dear Volunteers, We are so thankful for each and every one of you that came out to help make this event possible. The Community Center is so lucky to have a great community that comes out and helps put on an amazing town event. To the bands that played on all three stages, Thank you for entertaining our town with...

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Chezidek Presented by Inspired Lion , Epicenter Sound and Haile Conscious – Music by Epicenter Sound August 25th

This Friday we have roots reggae artist Chezidek coming to sing for Bolinas, all the way from the beautiful lush hills of St. Ann on the North Coast of Jamaica, and just coming from tour in Europe, for his only Northern Cali appearance, just for us! There will be Stone’s authentic Jamaican food starting at 6:30 and the live music will kickoff...

READ MORE Chezidek Presented by Inspired Lion , Epicenter Sound and Haile Conscious – Music by Epicenter Sound August 25th