READ MORE Mental Health First Aid Course May 4th and May 11th

Greetings y’all! I know that it might not seem that there’s a lot to be grateful right now what with all the uncertainty in the world right now but Thanksgiving is still right around the corner and the community center will be hosting it’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner. This year, we are hoping and tentatively planning to return to a sit...
READ MORE Thanksgiving 11/28 Community Dinner 3:00 pm to 5:00pm
The Moneytree is a film about one of life’s most basic choices – do you work for a bank for thirty years to get the money you want, or do you just rob the bank? David, the protagonist in this action comedy, is a clandestine cultivator of the notorious Weed De Mal; in other words he grows pot for a...
READ MORE October 18th Film Screening – The Money Tree 7pm door $5