Sunday: “My Roots Go Down” CD-Release Party & Potluck

Doors open 5pm, Dinner at 5:30 pm, Show at 6pm, end at 8pm.  This is a FREE EVENT, even the CD is FREE! This night is our gift to the community.It’s our CD release party. It is a potluck,a night of sharing food and music and poetry. WE will supply dishes and utensils and non- alcoholic beverages.Please bring a dish or desert.for info call Mark Butler @ 868-0245 or email me at

Sharing our Voices is a group of young female songwriters from the communities of Bolinas and Stinson Beach. My Roots Go Down is a collection of original music, the product and gift born from nine months of nature immersion, collaboration, and recording, along with an additional nine month learning journey on what it takes to release a CD. It takes a lot! The project grew naturally out of the Bolinas Stinson Youth Group. Spearheaded by youth group board member Mark Butler, and led by facilitators, Sophia Rose and Sofi Setrakian, this project was inspired by the abundance of talent and raw creativity presented by the youth of our communities. This album is a gift to our community. The future is the youth’s future; they need to speak, and we need to listen. WE ARE SHARING OUR VOICES.

