READ MORE Come celebrate our beloved Susie Stewart Sunday November 10th 3:00 to 5:30

Potluck Dinner, please bring a dish to share. There will be enchiladas from the Coast Cafe Mixed Green salad from Star Route Farms Hors d’oeuvres If you are a current member please join us! If you are a lapsed member you can renew at the door
We have lost another long time Bolinas Community Center Board Member, Eleanor Lyman. We hope she is dancing in the sky with all of our community members that we have lost.
Sunday November 10th , 2019 4:00 pm Free with $10 – $20 suggested donation Space is limited / Advanced reservations at Two performances by Zaccho Dance Theatre Choreography and Direction by Joanna Haigood / Set Design and Fabrication by Wayne Campbell / Music by jazz composer Marcus Shelby Performance 1: Saturday, November 9, 7 PM @ Dance Palace, Point Reyes...
READ MORE Bolinas Museum Presents Two Performances By Zaccho Dance Theater
***** CANCELLED ***** November 5th, 2019 Cancelled due to no districts in our area that are filling for an election on November 5th, 2019. There will be Polling Place at The Bolinas Community Center on March 3rd, 2020 for the Presidential Primary Election
Addressing Homelessness: Community Event Thursday, October 17th, 2019 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM At the Bolinas Community Center Join Supervisor Rodoni and the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) for a discussion on how the County and its partners are supporting the homeless community in West Marin. Agenda to Include: Panel Presentation from County Staff Question and Answer Session...
Saturday September 28th,2019 $20 Suggested Donation Food, Silent Auction , Live Music & Speakers Doors Open at 4:00 pm Silent Auction 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm Speakers from K.I.N.D at 5:00 pm Food at 6:00 pm $12 Los Padres at 7:00 pm